Product Description
There really are no down sides to this kind of system. Further benefits include…
- Eliminate shrinkage and lost items
- Significant savings in PPE per annum
- 24/7 access without any additional labour costs
- Flexibile layout
- Clear view of the PPE as it’s not locked away
- High Capacity
- Saves valuable floor space
- Easy to install inside the factory itself which means reduced time walking to obtain items
- Easy to restock
- Dispenses in seconds
- Reliable proven machines.
- The conveyer belt systems works with the majority of packaging and PPE items
- Vandal proof with additional health and safety options available
We work with a software company who create a bespoke package for each and every customer.
- Want to use existing door cards?
- Want a monthly report sent to each line manager showing usage?
- Want usage over a set limit to be allowed for H&S reasons yet also flagged up for investigation?
- Want to limit the number of items an employee can vend per week but with the option for their manager to override this for ‘legitimate’ reasons?
- Want to limit certain items to certain departments
- Want to limit certain items to specific employees within departments?
- Want to bill contractors for the items they use?
- Want employees to use wrist bands for a hands free vend option
- Want to be able to immediately disable a card if lost/stolen or any other reason
- Want to keep larger items in a store that is managed by a line manager but that also logged and audited alongside the items in the machine?
- Want to issue some items free to contractors but charge for others?
All the above and more is possible. The hardest part is actually deciding what you want to get out of the system and will actually make use of.